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Showing records 1 - 6 (of 6)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
619851  Sifalakis, M.; Louca, A.; Bouabene, G.; Fry, M.; Mauthe, A.; Hutchison, D. 2011 Functional composition in future networks Computer networks
151168  Bouabene, Ghazi; Jelger, Christophe; Tschudin, Christian; Schmid, Stefan; Keller, Ariane; May, Martin 2010 The Autonomic Network Architecture (ANA) IEEE journal on selected areas in communications

Publication: ConferencePaper (Artikel, die in Tagungsbänden erschienen sind)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4528148  Schneider, Andreas; Bouabene, Ghazi; Shaiek, Ayet; Schönborn, Sandro; Flament, Frédéric; Ghislain, François; Rubert, Virginie; Vetter, Thomas 2019 Photo-Realistic Exemplar-Based Face Ageing 15th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2019)
108511  Bouabene, Ghazi; Jelger, Christophe; Tschudin, Christian 2008 Virtual Network Stacks SIGCOMM '08 : proceedings of the 2008 SIGCOMM Conference and Co-Located Workshops NSDR'08, WOSN'08, MobiArch'08, NetEcon'08, & PRESTO'08
1882663  Bouabene, G.; Sifalakis, M.; Tschudin, C. 2011 Greedy routing on hierarchical clusters IEEE/IFIP 9th International conference on embedded and ubiquitous computing

Publication: Thesis (Dissertationen, Habilitationen)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2271403  Bouabene, Ghazi 2012 Greedy routing and virtual coordinates for future networks Universität Basel
Showing records 1 - 6 (of 6)

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