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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 66)

Publication: Authored Book (Verfasser eines eigenständigen Buches)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2684264  Obrist, Brigit 2006 Struggling for health in the city : an anthropological inquiry of health, vulnerability and resilience in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Peter Lang
1583348  Obrist van Eeuwijk, Brigit 1992 Small but strong : cultural contexts of (mal-)nutrition among the Northern Kwanga (East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea) Ethnologisches Seminar der Universität : Museum für Völkerkunde in Komm. Wepf

Publication: Edited Book (Herausgeber eines eigenständigen Buches)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
1536173  Van Eeuwijk, Peter; Obrist, Brigit 2006 Vulnerabilität, Migration und Altern : medizinethnologische Ansätze im Spannungsfeld von Theorie und Praxis Seismo
1738498  Obrist, Brigit; Van Eeuwijk, Peter 2003 Afflictions of city life : accounts from Afrika and Asia Carfax Publishing
2301418  Obrist, Brigit; Arlt, Veit; Macamo, Elisio 2013 Living the city in Africa : processes of invention and intervention LIT Verlag

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
1021991  Zinsstag, J.; Tanner, M.; Nguyen-Viet, H.; Obrist, B.; Cissé, G.; Bonfoh, B.; Schertenleib, R.; Zurbrügg, C.; Yitaferu, B.; Bantider, A.; Hurni, H. 2011 Interdisciplinary approches in research for sustainable development Geographica Bernensia
1021966  Zinsstag, J.; Bonfoh, B.; Cissé, G.; Nguyen-Viet, H.; Silué, B.; N'Guessan, S.; Weibel, D.; Schertenleib, R.; Obrist, B.; Tanner, M. 2011 Towards equity effectiveness in health interventions Geographica Bernensia
4653002  Whittaker, M.; Obrist, B.; Berger-González, M. 2021 The role of social sciences in One Health - reciprocal benefits CABI
1537822  Van Eeuwijk, Piet; Obrist, Brigit 1993 Professionalisierte und volkstümliche Basisgesundheitsversorgung bei den Minahasa (Nord-Sulawesi, Indonesien) : Konkurrenz oder Ergänzung? Société suisse d'ethnologie
3571075  Van Eeuwijk, Piet; Obrist, Brigit 2016 Becoming old and frail in coastal Tanzania Routledge
2121951  Sy, I.; Schwärzler, P.; Kouadio, A. S.; Kablan, C.; Granado, S.; Obrist, B.; Tanner, M.; Cissé, G. 2010 An interdisciplinary vulnerability and resilience approach to health risks in underprivileged urban contexts in West Africa NCCR North-South
2094756  Pfeiffer, C.; Sambaiga, R.; Mbena, F.; Ahorlu, C.; Heim, E. M.; Kiteme, B.; Obrist, B. 2013 "We have a lot to tell you!" : Bridging the gap between youth and decision-makers NCCR North-South
1537322  Obrist, Brigit; Van Eeuwijk, Peter 2006 Einleitung : Vulnerabilität, Migration und Altern Seismo-Verlag
484439  Obrist, Brigit 2010 Soziale Vulnerabilität im städtischen Kontext : eine medizinethnologische Perspektive Peter Lang
3608874  Obrist, Brigit 2016 Place matters: the home as a key site of old-age care in coastal Tanzania Policy Press
4061903  Manderson, L.; Cartwright, E.; Hardon, A.; Van Eeuwijk, P.; Obrist, B.; Leibing, A.; Toulson, R. E. 2016 Endings Routledge
2106887  Kiteme, B. P.; Obrist, B.; Kessy, F.; Ifejika Speranza, C.; Misana, S.; Mvena, Z.; Lelo, F.; Wiesmann, U. 2010 Features of successful syndrome mitigation : enhancing resilience and empowering the vulnerable in East Africa NCCR North-South

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4651938  Zinsstag, J.; Hediger, K.; Osman, Y. M.; Abukhattab, S.; Crump, L.; Kaiser-Grolimund, A.; Mauti, S.; Ahmed, A.; Hattendorf, J.; Bonfoh, B.; Heitz-Tokpa, K.; Berger Gonzalez, M.; Bucher, A.; Léchenne, M.; Tschopp, R.; Obrist, B.; Pelikan, K. 2022 The promotion and development of One Health at Swiss TPH and its greater potential Diseases
1537326  Van Eeuwijk, Piet; Obrist, Brigit 2006 Gesundsein und Kranksein als kultureller Prozess Bulletin von Medicus Mundi Schweiz
1192667  Tekeli-Yeşil, Sıdıka; Dedeoğlu, Necati; Tanner, Marcel; Braun-Fahrlaender, Charlotte; Obrist, Birgit 2010 Individual preparedness and mitigation actions for a predicted earthquake in Istanbul Disasters
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 66)

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