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Showing records 141 - 156 (of 156)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4527539  Barth-Jaeggi , T.; Cavaliero, A.; Aerts, A.; Anand, S.; Arif, M.; Sarady Ay , S.; Maung Aye , T.; Banstola, N. L.; Baskota, R.; Blaney, D.; Bonenberger, M.; van Brakel , W.; Cross, H.; Das, V. K.; Budiawan, T.; Fernando, N.; Gani, Z.; Greter, H.; Ignotti, E.; Kamara, D.; Kasang, C.; Kömm, B.; Kumar, A.; Lay, S.; Mieras, L.; Mirza, F.; Mutayoba, B.; Njako, B.; Pakasi, T.; Richardus, J. H.; Saunderson, P.; Smith, C. S.; Stäheli, R.; Suriyarachchi, N.; Shwe, T.; Tiwari, A.; Supun, M.; Wijesinghe, D.; van Berkel , J.; Vander Plaetse , B.; Virmond, M.; Steinmann, P. 2019 Leprosy post-exposure prophylaxis with single-dose rifampicin: toolkit for implementation Leprosy review
4643679  Arnaiz, Patricia; Müller, Ivan; Seelig, Harald; Gerber, Markus; Bosma, Jacob; Dolley, Danielle; Adams, Larissa; Degen, Jan; Gall, Stefanie; Joubert, Nandi; Nienaber, Madeleine; Nqweniso, Siphesihle; Aerts, Ann; Steinmann, Peter; du Randt, R.; Walter, C.; Utzinger, Jürg; Pühse, Uwe 2022 Practice Change Needed for the Identification of Pediatric Hypertension in Marginalized Populations: An Example From South Africa Frontiers in Pediatrics
4626705  Arnaiz, Patricia; Adams, Larissa; Müller, Ivan; Gerber, Markus; Walter, Cheryl; du Randt, Rosa; Steinmann, Peter; Bergman, Manfred Max; Seelig, Harald; van Greunen, Darelle; Utzinger, Jürg; Pühse, Uwe 2021 Sustainability of a school-based health intervention for prevention of non-communicable diseases in marginalised communities: protocol for a mixed-methods cohort study BMJ Open
4694322  Arnaiz, P.; Seelig, H.; Gerber, M.; Adams, L.; Degen, J.; Dolley, D.; Joubert, N.; Nienaber, M.; Nqweniso, S.; Steinmann, P.; Utzinger, J.; du Randt, R.; Walter, C.; Puhse, U.; Müller, I. 2023 Intervention effects and long-term changes in physical activity and cardiometabolic outcomes among children at risk of noncommunicable diseases in South Africa: a cluster-randomized controlled trial and follow-up analysis Front Public Health
4500095  Ames, H. M. R.; Zuske, M.; King, J. D.; Steinmann, P.; Bosch-Capblanch, X. 2019 Community and drug distributor perceptions and experiences of mass drug administration for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis: a rapid review of qualitative research Advances in parasitology
3609334  Albonico, Marco; Becker, Sören L; Odermatt, Peter; Angheben, Andrea; Anselmi, Mariella; Amor, Arancha; Barda, Beatrice; Buonfrate, Dora; Cooper, Philip; Gétaz, Laurent; Keiser, Jennifer; Khieu, Virak; Montresor, Antonio; Muñoz, José; Requena-Méndez, Ana; Savioli, Lorenzo; Speare, Richard; Steinmann, Peter; van Lieshout, Lisette; Utzinger, Jürg; Bisoffi, Zeno; StrongNet Working Group 2016 StrongNet: An International Network to Improve Diagnostics and Access to Treatment for Strongyloidiasis Control PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases

JournalItem (Kommentare, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerk., etc. in einer wissensch. Zeitschr.

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2665037  Yap, Peiling; Utzinger, Jürg; Hattendorf, Jan; Steinmann, Peter 2014 Influence of nutrition on infection and re-infection with soil-transmitted helminths : a systematic review Parasites and Vectors
4481965  Steinmann, P.; Cavaliero, A.; Aerts, A.; Anand, S.; Arif, M.; Sao Ay, S.; Maung Aye, T.; Barth-Jaeggi, T.; Banstola, N. L.; Bhandari, C.; Blaney, D.; Bonenberger, M.; Van Brakel, W.; Cross, H.; Das, V. K.; Fahrudda, A.; Fernando, N.; Gani, Z.; Greter, H.; Ignotti, E.; Kamara, D.; Kasang, C.; Kömm, B.; Kumar, A.; Lay, S.; Mieras, L.; Mirza, F.; Mutayoba, B.; Njako, B.; Pakasi, T.; Saunderson, P.; Shengelia, B.; Smith, C. S.; Stäheli, R.; Suriyarachchi, N.; Shwe, T.; Tiwari, A.; Wijesinghe, M. S.; Van Berkel, J.; Plaetse, B. V.; Virmond, M.; Hendrik Richardus, J. 2018 The Leprosy Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (LPEP) programme : update and interim analysis Leprosy review
4655889  Richardus, J. H.; Mieras, L.; Saunderson, P.; Ignotti, E.; Virmond, M.; Arif, M. A.; Pandey, B. D.; Cavaliero, A.; Steinmann, P. 2021 Leprosy post-exposure prophylaxis risks not adequately assessed - Author's reply Lancet Glob Health
4655598  Ehrenberg, N.; Ehrenberg, J. P.; Fontes, G.; Gyapong, M.; Rocha, E. M. M.; Steinmann, P.; Utzinger, J.; Xhao, X. N.; de Savigny, D. 2021 Neglected tropical diseases as a barometer for progress in health systems in times of COVID-19 BMJ Glob Health
2012129  Cao, Huijuan; Liu, Zhaolan; Steinmann, Peter; Mu, Yujie; Luo, Hui; Liu, Jianping 2012 Chinese herbal medicines for treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease : a systematic review of randomized clinical trials European journal of integrative medicine
3322595  Bratschi, Martin W; Steinmann, Peter; Wickenden, Anna; Gillis, Thomas P 2015 Current knowledge on Mycobacterium leprae Transmission : a systematic literature review Leprosy review
3722399  Boelaert, Marleen; Nidiag Consortium, 2016 Clinical research on neglected tropical diseases : challenges and solutions PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
4653078  Adegnika, A. A.; Amuasi, J. H.; Basinga, P.; Berhanu, D.; Medhanyie, A. A.; Okwaraji, Y. B.; Persson, Y. B.; Savadogo, B.; Schellenberg, J.; Steinmann, P. 2021 Embed capacity development within all global health research BMJ Glob Health

Publication: Other Publications (Forschungsberichte o. ä.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4653072  The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2020 Breaking the cycle of neglect: reducing the economic and societal burden of parasitic worms in sub-Saharan Africa
1014817  Bosch-Capblanch, Xavier; Beck, Lise; Dröschel, Daniel; Lewin, Simon; Steinmann, Peter; Weiss, Swenja 2011 Handbook for supporting the development of health system guidance : supporting informed judgements for health system policies
Showing records 141 - 156 (of 156)

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