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Projects as Co-Investigator

Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)
Principal Investigator Title Organization Status ID
Treutlein, Philipp Scalable High Bandwidth Quantum Network (sQnet)  Departement Physik / Experimentelle Nanophysik (Treutlein) Active 4683348
Zardo, Ilaria Ultra high precision electron beam lithography system for nanodevice and nanostructures definition  Departement Physik / Experimental Material Physics (Zardo) Completed 4630363
Zumbühl, Dominik; Loss, Daniel G. H. Endress Postdoc-Cluster  Departement Physik / Theoretische Physik Mesoscopics (Loss),
Departement Physik / Experimentalphysik Quantenphysik (Zumbühl)
Active 4087422
Willitsch, Stefan Basel Shared Frequency Comb Facility  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 2747464
Maletinsky, Patrick Nanomechanical oscillators for diamond spinoptomechanics  Departement Physik / Georg H. Endress-Stiftungsprofessur für Experimentalphysik (Maletinsky) Completed 2202932
Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)

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