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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 91)
Type Date Title Description ID
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2009-11-21 Annual General Meeting & Conference on "Art and Politics in American Culture: Intersections and Perspectives"  80818
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2010-11-12 Annual General Meeting  399425
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2011-02-25 EARS Meeting  950358
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2011-03-21 Ein Abend mit Maxine Hong Kingston. Reading of I Love a Broad Margin to My Life and discussion.  958857
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2011-04-17 E-Book und Hyperfiktion: Vom Lesen und Schreiben im Internetzeitalter  1210329
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2011-05-24 Kolloquium: Transnational Literary Studies with Prof. John Carlos Rowe (University of Southern California)  958853
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2012-09-07 New Aesthetic Paradigms  1494769
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2012-09-13 Aesthetics in the 21st Century  1445836
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2014-11-21 Literature, Ethics, Morality: American Studies Perspectives  2715253
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2014-12-05 Literature and Philosophy (EARS Meeting)  2776952
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2015-10-16 Literature & Philosophy. Joint International Workshop of the Swiss Philosophical Society and the Swiss Association for North American Studies  3395287
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2017-04-07 Annual EUCOR English Trinational MA and PhD Conference  4076964
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-03-23 Beckett and the Media. International Conference  4487848
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2019-09-18 Sound & Literatur  4522393
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2009-12-02 Lecture, Colloquium, Seminar, Respondent  108437
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2018-07-15 Project 1: Boasian Poetry: The Lyrical Work of Edward Sapir, Ruth F. Benedict, and Margaret Mead; Project 2: Anthropology & Aesthetics: Boasian Vistas; Project 3: Beckett and the Media  4487847
Memberships 1998-01-01 Schweighauser, Philipp  European Association of American Studies 80672
Memberships 1998-01-01 Schweighauser, Philipp  Swiss Association for North American Studies 4607211
Memberships 1999-01-01 Schweighauser, Philipp  International Vladimir Nabokov Society 80678
Memberships 1999-01-01 Schweighauser, Philipp  Modern Language Association 80675
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 91)

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