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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 47)

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3501682  McCall, Brian; Smith, Jeffrey A.; Wunsch, Conny 2016 Government-Sponsored Vocational Education for Adults North-Holland

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4638491  Sheldon, George; Wunsch, Conny 2021 Wirkungsevaluation der Stellenmeldepflicht II Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik
4631513  Wunsch, Conny 2021 Risky Choices and Solidarity: Disentangling Different Behavioural Channels Experimental economics
4637961  Strobl, Renate; Wunsch, Conny 2021 Risky choices and solidarity: disentangling different behavioural channels Experimental Economics
4638502  Buchmann, Manuel; Wunsch, Conny 2020 Frauen an die Arbeit! Wie sich der demografische Wandel auf den Schweizer Arbeitsmarkt auswirkt Panorama
4631571  Dütsch, Matthias; Himmelreicher, Ralf; Pfeifer, Christian; Wunsch, Conny 2020 Editorial: Effects of the Introduction of the Statutory Minimum Wage in Germany Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
4638492  Wunsch, Conny 2016 How to minimize lock-in effects of programs for unemployed workers IZA World of Labor
3719769  Huber, Martin; Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny 2016 The effect of firms’ phased retirement policies on the labor market outcomes of their employees ILR Review
3387360  Huber, Martin; Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny 2015 Workplace health promotion and labour market performance of employees Journal of Health Economics
2157171  Schünemann, Benjamin; Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny 2015 Do Long-term Unemployed Workers Benefit from Targeted Wage Subsidies? German Economic Review
4638516  Arni, Patrick; Wunsch, Conny 2014 Die Rolle von Erwartungshaltungen in der Stellensuche und der RAV-Beratung (Teilprojekt 1) IZA Research Report No. 62
2157175  Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny 2013 Sensitivity of matching-based program evaluations to the availability of control variables Labour Economics
2157178  Wunsch, Conny 2013 Optimal Use of Labor Market Policies: The Role of Job Search Assistance The Review of Economics and Statistics
2157174  Deuchert, Eva; Wunsch, Conny 2013 Evaluating nationwide health interventions: Malawi’s insecticide-treated-net distribution programme Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A Statistics in Society
2157176  Huber, Martin; Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny 2013 The Performance of Estimators Based on the Propensity Score Journal of Econometrics
2157182  Huber, Martin; Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny; Walter, Thomas 2011 Do German Welfare-to-Work Programmes Reduce Welfare Dependency and Increase Employment? German Economic Review
2157180  Huber, Martin; Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny 2011 Does Leaving Welfare Improve Health? Evidence for Germany Health economics
2157179  Lechner, Michael; Miquel, Ruth; Wunsch, Conny 2011 Long-Run Effects of Public Sector Sponsored Training in West Germany Journal of the European Economic Association
2157183  Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny 2009 Are Training Programs More Effective When Unemployment is High? Journal of Labor Economics
2157184  Lechner, Michael; Wunsch, Conny 2009 Active Labour Market Policy in East Germany: Waiting for the Economy to Take off Economics of Transition
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 47)

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