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Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)
Type Date Title Description ID
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-10-10 Human Rights and Bioethics  Annual conference of the Turkish Bioethics Association 1543025
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-11-08 Qué principios deben guiar a la bioética?  IV Series of international lectures in bioethics 1543032
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-04-29 “Gene editing techniques in humans: the European legal framework”  The Consensus Study Meeting on Human Gene Editing 3697199
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-09-21 “Genetic rights”  Workshop “New Human Rights for the 21st Century” 3697200
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-10-25 “End of life care from a human dignity and human rights perspective”  The End of Life Care Symposium 3697201
Showing records 1 - 5 (of 5)

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