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Showing records 1 - 14 (of 14)
Type Date Title Description ID
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-11-29 Ethical and Legal Issues in Big Data Research  4494131
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2019-06-19 Ethical and Legal Issues in Big Data Research  4528109
Memberships 2014-03-31 Shaw, David  United Kingdom Donation Ethics Committee 2827108
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-10-01 Philosophical Ethics  Belfast Medical School teaching day 1535518
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-06-21 The Relevance of Relevance in UK Ethics Review  Expert Workshop on Research Ethics 1541272
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-09-05 Privacy and Healthcare Datasharing  British Science Festival 1541268
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-09-25 The Ethics of Vetoing Organ Donation  National Health Service Transplant Conference 1541264
Invited presentations at conferences 2014-11-22 Overruling organ donation  European Society for Organ Transplantation ethics working group meeting 2827110
Invited presentations at conferences 2015-10-09 Against the family overrule: the ghost of donor passed  European Society for Organ Transplantation annual conference 3401931
Invited presentations at conferences 2015-12-29 Randomisation and prioritisation in Ebola research and care   International International Conference on Ebola, 3401928
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-01-22 From whom do we need consent for deceased organ donation?  Eurotransplant Annual Meeting 3693577
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-04-22 Keeping consent in context  ELPAT congress 3693578
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-10-28 Ethical issues in living donation  EDTCO organ donation congress 3693579
Invited presentations at conferences 2018-04-20 Defining data donation after death  Data donation workshop 4491358
Showing records 1 - 14 (of 14)

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