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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 140)

Publication: Authored Book (Verfasser eines eigenständigen Buches)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3701690  Eifert, Georg H.; Gloster, Andrew T. 2016 ACT bei Angststörungen. Ein praktisch bewährtes Therapiemanual Hogrefe

Publication: Edited Book (Herausgeber eines eigenständigen Buches)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3353046  Waadt, Michael; Martz, Jan; Gloster, Andrew 2015 Arbeiten mit der Akzeptanz- und Commitment-Therapie (ACT) : ein Fallbuch Hogrefe

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4509230  Rinner, Marcia T B; Gloster, Andrew T 2021 Akzeptanz- und Commitment Therapie Urban & Fischer Verlag/Elsevier GmbH
4598348  Benoy, Charles; Eifert, Georg H.; Gloster, Andrew T. 2020 Aktuelle Weiterbildungen der Verhaltenstherapie: Akzeptanz- und Commitment Therapie (ACT) Springer
4487916  Gloster, Andrew Thomas; Karkela, Maria 2020 A multi-level, multi-method approach to testing and refining intervention targets New Harbinger
4487938  Rinner, Marcia T. B.; Gloster, Andrew T. 2020 Assessing worry: An overview Wiley Blackwell
4598347  Gloster, Andrew T.; Gerlach, Alexander 2020 The road ahead: What research paths should be taken in order to improve future treatments? John Wiley & Sons
4509218  Gerlach, Alexander; Gloster, Andrew T. 2019 Worry, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), and their Importance Wiley Blackwell
4615325  Gloster, Andrew T.; Waadt, M. 2019 Akzeptanz- und Commitment-Theapie (ACT) Hogrefe
3353055  Gloster, Andrew T.; Martz, Jan; Waadt, Michael 2015 Nützliche Perspecktiven Hogrefe
3353050  Schmidinger, Hedwig; Sonntag, Rainer F.; Gloster, Andrew T. 2015 Springen lernen: ACT bei einer Panik- und Zwangstörung Hogrefe
2813516  Gloster, A. T.; Waadt, M. 2014 Akzeptanz- und Commitment-Therapie (ACT) Huber
1305459  Gloster, Andrew T.; Hummel, Katrin V.; Lyudmirskaya, Irina; Hauke, Christine; Sonntag, Rainer F. 2012 Aspects of exposure therapy in acceptance and commitment therapy Springer
1722567  Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich; Höfler, Michael; Gloster, Andrew T.; Craske, Michelle G.; Beesdo, Katja 2011 Options and Dilemmas of Dimensional Measures for DSM-5: Which Types of Measures Fare Best in Predicting Course and Outcome? American Psychiatric Publishing
1722576  Koch, E.; Gloster, A.T.; Waller, S.A. 2007 Exposure Therapy for Panic Disorder with and without Agoraphobia Academic Press
1722573  Richard, D.C.S.; Gloster, A.T. 2007 Exposure Therapy has a Public Relations Problem: A Dearth of Litigation Amidst a Wealth of Concern Academic Press
1722569  Richard, David C. S.; Lauterbach, Dean; Gloster, Andrew T. 2007 Description, Mechanisms of Action, and Assessment of Exposure Therapy Academic Press
1722580  Richard, D.C.S.; Gloster, A. 2006 Technology integration and behavioral assessment Academic Press

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4665196  Chong, Yuen Yu; Frey, Eveline; Chien, Wai Tong; Cheng, Ho Yu ; Gloster, Andrew T. 2023 The role of psychological flexibility in the relationships between burnout, job satisfaction, and mental health among nurses in combatting COVID-19: A two-region survey Journal of nursing scholarship
4641916  Čolić, Jasmin; Meyer, Andrea Hans; Gloster, Andrew T.; Lieb, Roselind; Mikoteit, Thorsten; Hatzinger, Martin; Bader, Klaus; Imboden, Christian; Latysheva, Anya 2022 Predictors of embarrassment in daily social interactions in social phobia, major depression and healthy controls Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 140)

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