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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 143)

Publication: Edited Book (Herausgeber eines eigenständigen Buches)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4523982  Jotterand, Fabrice; Ienca, Marcello; Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice Simone 2019 Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: Clinical, Ethical, Social and Regulatory Implications Oxford University Press
4487101  Mihailov, Emilian; Wangmo, Tenzin; Federiuc, Victoria; Elger, Bernice 2018 Contemporary Debates in Bioethics: European Perspectives Siendo

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4657832  Elger, Bernice Simone; Villareal, Pedro A.; Seaward, Helene; Wangmo, Tenzin 2022 Human Rights and Prison Medicine: Protecting the Rights of Older Patients Deprived of Liberty Springer
4525319  Wangmo, Tenzin 2020 Older Immigrants Cognella
4524049  Wangmo, Tenzin 2019 Caring for Older Adults with Dementia: The Potential of Assisted Technology in Reducing Caregiving Burden Oxford University Press
4527060  Wangmo, Tenzin; Handtke, Violet; Bretschneider, Wiebke; Elger, Bernice S. 2019 Menschenrechte und Ethik: Die Gesundheitsversorgung von älteren gefangenen Personen Königshausen & Neumann
3401855  Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice Simone 2016 Prisoners Springer
4527962  Bretschneider, Wiebke; Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice 2014 Informierte Zustimmung De Gruyter
2710138  Bretschneider, Wiebke; Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice Simone 2014 Notfallsituation De Gruyter
1462896  Teaster, Pamela; Wangmo, Tenzin; Vorsky, Frances 2012 Elder abuse in aging families Praeger

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4698155  Pageau, Felix; Cornaz, Corinne Devaud; Seaward, Helene; Elger, Bernice Simone; Wangmo, Tenzin 2023 Crime hierarchy, victimization and coping results of a qualitative study on the older incarcerated Person's mental health in Switzerland INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY
4698150  Seaward, Helene; Dieffenbacher, Sophie; Gaab, Jens; Graf, Marc; Elger, Bernice; Wangmo, Tenzin 2023 Stigma management during reintegration of older incarcerated adults with mental health issues: A qualitative analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY
4683096  Martani, Andrea; Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Wangmo, Tenzin; Maurer, Julia; Crameri, Katrin; Erard, Frédéric; Spoendlin, Julia; Pauli-Magnus, Christiane; Pittet, Valerie; Sengstag, Thierry; Soldini, Emiliano; Hirschel, Bernard; Borisch, Bettina; Kruschel Weber, Cornelia; Zwahlen, Marcel; Elger, Bernice Simone 2023 Sensing the (digital) pulse. Future steps for improving the secondary use of data for research in Switzerland. Digital health
4698153  Jeker, Benjamin; Shaw, David; Lagnaux, Nicolas; Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice S. 2023 Motivation and training needs of prison healthcare professionals: findings from a qualitative study BMC PSYCHOLOGY
4698145  De Clercq, Eva; Martani, Andrea; Vulliemoz, Nicolas; Elger, Bernice S; Wangmo, Tenzin 2023 Rethinking advanced motherhood: a new ethical narrative. Medicine, health care, and philosophy
4698143  Tian, Yi Jiao (Angelina); Jotterand, Fabrice; Wangmo, Tenzin 2023 Remote Technologies and Filial Obligations at a Distance: New Opportunities and Ethical Challenges ASIAN BIOETHICS REVIEW
4650244  Martani, Andrea; Egli, Sophia Mira; Geneviève, Lester Darryl; Elger, Bernice Simone; Wangmo, Tenzin 2022 A role-model for data policies? Qualitative study on the governance of health data in Denmark Health Policy and Technology
4644241  Poppe, Christopher; Martani, Andrea; Schweikert, Kathi; Wangmo, Tenzin 2022 Fair access to assistive technology? Gaps in transition from invalidity to old-age insurance in Switzerland Swiss medical weekly
4657182  Mihailov, Emilian; Provoost, Veerle; Wangmo, Tenzin. 2022 Acceptable objectives of empirical research in bioethics: a qualitative exploration of researchers’ views BMC Medical Ethics
4652213  Martani, Andrea; De Clercq, Eva; De Geyter, Christian; Pennings, Guido; Wangmo, Tenzin; Elger, Bernice Simone 2022 Deconstructing age(s): an analysis of the different conceptions of age as a legal criterion for access to assisted reproductive technologies Journal of Law and the Biosciences
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 143)

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