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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 111)
Type Date Title Description ID
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2011-06-22 Atom chip workshop  1070347
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2011-07-24 Quantum Optics of Micro‐ and Nanomechanical Systems  2302362
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2013-09-18 Atom chip workshop  2302359
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2014-09-21 Conference on quantum technologies: hybrid emitter - solid state systems  2824203
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2015-05-11 Continuous Variable Entanglement in Atomic Systems: Fundamentals and Applications  3370735
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2017-06-19 Atom chip workshop  4143749
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2020-02-12 Basel Quantum Metrology and Sensing Conference  4611360
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-02-23 Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology  International Conference on Quantum Optics 461836
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-03-15 Interfacing ultracold atoms and mechanical oscillators on an atom chip  American Physical Society, March meeting 461835
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-03-22 Interfacing ultracold atoms and mechanical oscillators on an atom chip  Gordon Research Conference “Mechanical Systems In The Quantum Regime” 461834
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-03-26 Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology  Young Atom Opticians Conference 461833
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-04-10 Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology  Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics 461832
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-05-07 Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology  Quantum Coherence and Entanglement on Macroscopic Scales 461831
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-05-12 Ultracold atoms coupled to micro- and nanomechanical oscillators  Ruperto-Carola-Symposium on Hybrid Quantum Systems 461829
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-06-07 Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology  ESF-FWF Conference on Quantum Engineering 461828
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-09-06 Observation of bi-directional coupling between ultracold atoms and a mechanical oscillator  International Workshop on Nano-opto-electro-mechanical systems 461827
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-12-09 Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology  International Symposium on Quantum Dynamics of Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Technologies 461826
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-03-17 Interfacing ultracold atoms and micromechanical oscillators  Symposium on Hybrid Quantum Systems, DPG Spring Meeting 1070317
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-05-10 Quantum metrology with ultracold atoms on a chip  Quantum Science and Technologies Conference 1070321
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-06-08 Atom-chip-based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology  International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS) student workshop 1070326
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 111)

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