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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 63)

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4611359  Treutlein, Philipp 2020 Atom Optomechanics Optomechanics Oxford University Press
1523157  Treutlein, Philipp; Genes, Claudiu; Hammerer, Klemens; Poggio, Martino; Rabl, Peter 2014 Hybrid mechanical systems Springer
1070289  Treutlein, Philipp; Negretti, Antonio; Calarco, Tommaso 2011 Quantum Information Processing with Atom Chips Wiley
1070301  Folman, Ron; Treutlein, Philipp; Schmiedmayer, Jörg 2011 Atom Chip Fabrication Wiley

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4656939  Schmid, Gian-Luca; Ngai, Chun Tat; Ernzer, Maryse; Bosch Aguilera, Manel; Karg, Thomas M.; Treutlein, Philipp 2022 Coherent Feedback Cooling of a Nanomechanical Membrane with Atomic Spins Physical Review X
4656938  Buser, Gianni; Mottola, Roberto; Cotting, Björn; Wolters, Janik; Treutlein, Philipp 2022 Single-Photon Storage in a Ground-State Vapor Cell Quantum Memory PRX Quantum
4640636  Serafin, Alan; Castin, Yvan; Fadel, Matteo; Treutlein, Philipp; Sinatra, Alice 2021 Nuclear spin squeezing by continuous quantum non-demolition measurement : a theoretical study Comptes rendus physique
4640635  Serafin, Alan; Fadel, Matteo; Treutlein, Philipp; Sinatra, Alice 2021 Nuclear Spin Squeezing in Helium-3 by Continuous Quantum Nondemolition Measurement Physical Review Letters
4605431  Zhai, Liang; Löbl, Matthias C.; Jahn, Jan-Philipp; Huo, Yongheng; Treutlein, Philipp; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Rastelli, Armando; Warburton, Richard J. 2020 Large-range frequency tuning of a narrow-linewidth quantum emitter Applied Physics Letters
4605432  Karg, Thomas M.; Gouraud, Baptiste; Ngai, Chun Tat; Schmid, Gian-Luca; Hammerer, Klemens; Treutlein, Philipp 2020 Light-mediated strong coupling between a mechanical oscillator and atomic spins 1 meter apart Science
4605429  Morris, Benjamin; Yadin, Benjamin; Fadel, Matteo; Zibold, Tilman; Treutlein, Philipp; Adesso, Gerardo 2020 Entanglement between Identical Particles Is a Useful and Consistent Resource Physical Review X
4605430  Li, Yifan; Pawłowski, Krzysztof; Décamps, Boris; Colciaghi, Paolo; Fadel, Matteo; Treutlein, Philipp; Zibold, Tilman 2020 Fundamental Limit of Phase Coherence in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates Physical Review Letters
4605428  Mottola, Roberto; Buser, Gianni; Müller, Chris; Kroh, Tim; Ahlrichs, Andreas; Ramelow, Sven; Benson, Oliver; Treutlein, Philipp; Wolters, Janik 2020 An efficient, tunable, and robust source of narrow-band photon pairs at the 87 Rb D1 line Optics express
4523891  Froewis, Florian; Fadel, Matteo; Treutlein, Philipp; Gisin, Nicolas; Brunner, Nicolas 2019 Does large quantum Fisher information imply Bell correlations? Physical Review A
4523890  Karg, Thomas M.; Gouraud, Baptiste; Treutlein, Philipp; Hammerer, Klemens 2019 Remote Hamiltonian interactions mediated by light Physical Review A
4494431  Horsley, Andrew; Appel, Patrick; Wolters, Janik; Achard, Jocelyn; Tallaire, Alexandre; Maletinsky, Patrick; Treutlein, Philipp 2018 Microwave Device Characterization Using a Widefield Diamond Microscope Physical review applied
4494433  Fadel, Matteo; Zibold, Tilman; Décamps, Boris; Treutlein, Philipp 2018 Spatial entanglement patterns and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering in Bose-Einstein condensates Science
4494432  Pezze, Luca; Smerzi, Augusto; Oberthaler, Markus K.; Schmied, Roman; Treutlein, Philipp 2018 Quantum metrology with nonclassical states of atomic ensembles Reviews of Modern Physics
4494434  Vochezer, Aline; Kampschulte, Tobias; Hammerer, Klemens; Treutlein, Philipp 2018 Light-Mediated Collective Atomic Motion in an Optical Lattice Coupled to a Membrane Physical review letters
4493583  Béguin, Lucas; Jahn, Jan-Philipp; Wolters, Janik; Reindl, Marcus; Huo, Yongheng; Trotta, Rinaldo; Rastelli, Armando; Ding, Fei; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Treutlein, Philipp; Warburton, Richard J. 2018 On-demand semiconductor source of 780 nm single photons with controlled temporal wave packets Physical Review B
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 63)

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