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Showing records 1 - 10 (of 10)
Type Date Title Description ID
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2012-08-31 «The South African Empire»  1563399
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2013-09-09 «Refiguring the South African Empire»  2289465
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2013-09-09 Internationale Konferenz unter dem Titel "Refiguring the South African Empire"  3395315
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2014-10-10 Visuality and Policing  2839768
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2017-07-01 ECAS/New paradigms for researching Africa’s past: Round table in honour of Patrick Harries (1950-2016)  4262704
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2017-08-23 Winter School: Remembering Forced Removals in Namibia: International winter school on exhibition making as knowledge transfer.  4250687
Invited presentations at conferences 2016-11-03 Tracks of empire: notes on the materiality and imagination of South Africa’s railway system  Circulations: The (un)making of Southern Africa beyond and across borders 4251108
Invited presentations at conferences 2017-06-21 The motivation of the scholar, the choice of interest and the role of values and interest  3rd Basel Summer School in African Studies 4262686
Invited presentations at conferences 2017-06-30 The Fenced empire: The technology of fencing and the making of imperial space  7th European Conference on African Studies 4251117
Invited presentations at conferences 2017-07-07 Re-viewing Usakos  Oficina de História Visual: Fotografia e Memória pare além de Ruínas 4251145
Showing records 1 - 10 (of 10)

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