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Projects in research unit

Showing records 1 - 20 (of 33)
Principal Investigator Title Organization Status ID
Handschin, Christoph Beitrag an die Fertigstellung der Dissertation "Transcriptional networks in skeletal muscle in response to acute exercise"   Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin) Completed 4684048
Handschin, Christoph Investigating the Neuromuscular Involvement in Cachexia: Identifying Novel Target Genes and Therapeutic Targets  Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin) Completed 4683830
Handschin, Christoph A novel role of dysferlin in regulating skeletal muscle metabolism contributes to disease pathology in dysferlinopathies  Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin) Completed 4618789
Delezie, Julien Involvement of the transcriptional coregulator PERIOD2 in the regulation of skeletal muscle mitochondrial function  Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin) Completed 4508022
Handschin, Christoph Molecular mechanisms controlling the crosstalk between skeletal muscle and neurons  Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin) Completed 4500625
Handschin, Christoph Exercise-based interventions in dysferlinopathies  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 4338430
Handschin, Christoph Effect of exercise and exercise factors on cancer cachexia  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 3396062
Rüegg, Markus A. Molecular underpinning of age-related muscle loss  Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Pharmacology/Neurobiology (Rüegg),
Departement Biozentrum / Bioinformatics (Zavolan)
Completed 3173061
Handschin, Christoph, van Nimwegen, Erik Analysis of the regulatory key hub node peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ co-activator 1α (PGC-1α) in skeletal muscle cell plasticity  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Bioinformatics (van Nimwegen)
Completed 2696163
Handschin, Christoph MUSCLE_NET: Coactivator-controlled transcriptional networks regulating skeletal muscle cell plasticity  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 2417137
Handschin, Christoph Effects of ketogenic diets on muscle function and metabolism  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 2310580
Handschin, Christoph Mechanisms and therapeutic potential of modulating PGC-1α to alter neuromuscular junction morphology and function  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 2260626
Handschin, Christoph Global analysis of RNA processing in muscle cell-motor neuron co-cultures of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) patients  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 1928653
Handschin, Christoph Mitochondrial function in metabolism and inflammation  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 1430904
Handschin, Christoph Molecular mechanisms regulating skeletal muscle plasticity  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 1201670
Handschin, Christoph Programme "Rare Disease - New Approaches"  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 1201378
Handschin, Christoph Improving human muscle engineering by PGC-1alpha expression and molecular imaging using positron emission tomography (PET)  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 1201377
Handschin, Christoph Muscle cell plasticity, myokines and inflammation  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 1201376
Handschin, Christoph Genome-wide prediction of coactivator-controlled transcriptional networks using data from ultrahighthroughput sequencing technologies  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 1201204
Handschin, Christoph UMDF - Stiftung  Departement Biomedizin / Pharmakologie (Handschin),
Departement Biozentrum / Growth & Development (Handschin)
Completed 1201201
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 33)

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