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Projects in research unit

Showing records 1 - 20 (of 22)
Principal Investigator Title Organization Status ID
Willitsch, Stefan Exploring and Controlling Chemistry Using Quantum Logic  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Active 4645287
Willitsch, Stefan Quantum technologies for molecular precision spectroscopy  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Active 4626298
Willitsch, Stefan QUSTEC PhD Fellowship: Development of quantum technologies for molecular systems:quantum sensing of molecular and chemical properties  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Active 4600132
Willitsch, Stefan Controlled reactive collision with trapped ions  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 4523528
Willitsch, Stefan Collisional and Half-Collisional Dynamics of Conformationally Selected Molecules  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 4514841
Willitsch, Stefan Precision molecular spectroscopy using a network for distribution of the Swiss primary frequency standard  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 4488095
Zhang, Dongdong A traveling wave Zeeman decelerator for precision measurements and ion-neutral chemistry at very low temperatures  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 4142260
Willitsch, Stefan Hybrid trapping of cold molecules and cold ions: state-controlled ion-molecule interactions, collisions and reactions in the millikelvin regime  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 3949654
Willitsch, Stefan Coupling a single trapped ion to a nanomechanical oscillator  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 3705038
Willitsch, Stefan Molecular Physics Editorship  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 3623883
Willitsch, Stefan Conformationally Controlled Chemistry  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 2988570
Willitsch, Stefan Coupling a single ion to a nanomechanical oscillator  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 2780036
Willitsch, Stefan Basel Shared Frequency Comb Facility  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 2747464
Willitsch, Stefan Hybrid trapping of cold molecules and cold ions  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 2718726
Willitsch, Stefan Cold Molecular Ions at the Quantum Limit  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 2094938
Willitsch, Stefan An ion-atom hybrid trap on a chip; synthesis and control of nanosystems on the single-molecule level  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 1742406
Willitsch, Stefan Ion-neutral chemistry in the sub-Kelvin regime  Departement Chemie / Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 1090238
Willitsch, Stefan COST-MP1001, "Ion Traps for Tomorrow's Application", A cold-chemistry laboratory on a chip: microtraps for ultracold molecular ions  Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 754235
Willitsch, Stefan Quantum Technology with Ultracold Molecular Ions  Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 527699
Willitsch, Stefan Moll microTrap, Sympathetic Cooling of Molecular Ions in Microstructured Ion Traps on Chips  Chemische Physik (Willitsch) Completed 70040
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 22)

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