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Showing records 1 - 12 (of 12)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4648690  Trefny, Marcel P.; Kaiser, Monika; Stanczak, Michal A.; Herzig, Petra; Savic, Spasenija; Wiese, Mark; Lardinois, Didier; Läubli, Heinz; Uhlenbrock, Franziska; Zippelius, Alfred 2020 PD-1+ natural killer cells in human non-small cell lung cancer can be activated by PD-1/PD-L1 blockade Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII
1195151  Breunig, Andreas; Gambazzi, Franco; Beck-Schimmer, Beatrice; Tamm, Michael; Lardinois, Didier; Oertli, Daniel; Zingg, Urs 2011 Cytokine & chemokine response in the lungs, pleural fluid and serum in thoracic surgery using one-lung ventilation Journal of inflammation
1196890  Roth, M. 2011 Rat mesothelioma cell proliferation requires p38δ mitogen activated protein kinase and C/EBP-α Lung cancer
1193590  Hoffmann, Henry; Giger, Olivier Thierry; Bubendorf, Lukas; Lardinois, Didier 2011 Contralateral recurrence of a malignant solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery
1193591  Bhure, U N; Lardinois, D; Kalff, V; Hany, T F; Soltermann, A; Seifert, B; Steinert, H C 2010 Accuracy of CT parameters for assessment of tumour size and aggressiveness in lung adenocarcinoma with bronchoalveolar elements British journal of radiology
1196609  Weder, Walter; Tutic, Michaela; Lardinois, Didier; Jungraithmayr, Wolfgang; Hillinger, Sven; Russi, Erich W; Bloch, Konrad E 2009 Persistent benefit from lung volume reduction surgery in patients with homogeneous emphysema The annals of thoracic surgery
1194906  Ampollini, Luca; Soltermann, Alex; Felley-Bosco, Emanuela; Lardinois, Didier; Arni, Stephan; Speck, Roberto F; Weder, Walter; Opitz, Isabelle 2009 Immuno-chemotherapy reduces recurrence of malignant pleural mesothelioma : an experimental setting European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery
1192789  Weder, Walter; Inci, Ilhan; Korom, Stephan; Kestenholz, Peter B; Hillinger, Sven; Eich, Christine; Irani, Sarosh; Lardinois, Didier 2009 Airway complications after lung transplantation : risk factors, prevention and outcome European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery
1194350  Schneiter, Didier; Grodzki, Tomasz; Lardinois, Didier; Kestenholz, Peter B; Wojcik, Janusz; Kubisa, Bartosz; Pierog, Jaroslaw; Weder, Walter 2008 Accelerated treatment of postpneumonectomy empyema : a binational long-term study Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
1196177  Moser, C; Opitz, I; Zhai, W; Rousson, V; Russi, E W; Weder, W; Lardinois, D 2008 Autologous fibrin sealant reduces the incidence of prolonged air leak and duration of chest tube drainage after lung volume reduction surgery : a prospective randomized blinded study Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery

JournalItem (Kommentare, Editorials, Rezensionen, Urteilsanmerk., etc. in einer wissensch. Zeitschr.

ID Author Year Title Publisher
1197691  Cantoni, N.; Weisser, M.; Frei, R.; Lardinois, D.; Arber, C. 2011 Black hole in the lung Bone marrow transplantation
1197515  Lardinois, Didier 2011 Pre- and intra-operative mediastinal staging in non-small-cell lung cancer Swiss Medical Weekly
Showing records 1 - 12 (of 12)

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