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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 43)
Type Date Title Description ID
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2009-04-21 Soil erosion, sedimentation and the carbon cycle  104794
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2009-11-20 Festkolloquium zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. (em.) Dr. Hartmut Leser: Landschaft und Umwelt im Wandel  104550
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2010-05-03 Erosion, land degradation and terrestrial cabon cycling  498520
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2011-04-06 Erosion and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling  1002741
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2012-04-24 SSS7.6 - Movement and Fate of eroded soil organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems  1549284
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2012-08-28 SE 20-01 - Soil erosion and terrestrial carbon cycling  1549289
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2013-04-07 EGU General Assembly Session SSS 0.2: Teaching Geosciences: new challenges and opportunities  2343490
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2013-04-07 EGU General Assembly Session SSS 0.3: Soils in Africa: challenges and opportunities  2343493
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2013-06-26 Experiments in Geosciences  2342733
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2014-04-27 African Soils: challenges and opportunities  2826863
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2020-05-04 Session on Planetary Geomorphology  4613979
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2020-11-06 Geomorphology session at Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2020  4613987
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2022-11-18 Swiss Space Days  4662403
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2013-02-09 Erosion and movement of soil organic matter in the Karoo region of South Africa  1549351
Memberships 2008-01-01 Kuhn, Nikolaus J.  Swiss Society for Geomorphology 4613974
Memberships 2009-01-01 Kuhn, Nikolaus J.  Schweizerische Maturitätskommission 104803
Memberships 2009-08-01 Kuhn, Nikolaus J.  EGU Soil Systems Science Division 104194
Memberships 2009-08-01 Kuhn, Nikolaus J.  Schweizerische Geomorphologische Gesellschaft 104195
Memberships 2011-01-01 Kuhn, Nikolaus J.  Editorial Board of Journal of Soils and Sediment 2343481
Memberships 2014-01-01 Kuhn, Nikolaus J.  Editorial Board of Catena 4613985
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 43)

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