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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 179)

Publication: Authored Book (Verfasser eines eigenständigen Buches)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2190558  Zahner, Claudia; Meyer, Andrea Hans; Moser, Urs; Brühwiler, Christian; Vellacott, Maja Coradi; Huber, Maja; Malti, Tina 2002 Für das Leben gerüstet? : die Grundkompetenzen der Jugendlichen – Nationaler Bericht der Erhebung PISA 2000 Bundesamt für Statistik

Publication: Book Item (Buchkap., Lexikonartikel, jur. Kommentierung, Beiträge in Sammelbänden etc.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
393893  Meyer, A. H.; Margraf, J. 2005 Forschung in der Klinischen Psychologie Hogrefe
393987  Meyer, Andrea H.; Schmid , Bernhard 1991 Experimentelle Demographie von Pflanzen: Solidago altissima Birkhäuser

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4699499  Schopf, Kathrin; Schneider, Silvia; Meyer, Andrea Hans; Lennertz, Julia; Humbel, Nadine; Bürgy, Nadine-Messerli; Wyssen, Andrea; Biedert, Esther; Isenschmid, Bettina; Milos, Gabriella; Claussen, Malte; Trier, Stephan; Whinyates, Katherina; Adolph, Dirk; Teismann, Tobias; Margraf, Jürgen; Assion, Hans-Jörg; Überberg, Bianca; Juckel, Georg; Müller, Judith; Klauke, Benedikt; Munsch, Simone 2023 Eating disorder treatment in routine clinical care: A descriptive study examining treatment characteristics and short-term treatment outcomes among patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa in Germany and Switzerland. PloS one
4665118  Gloster, Andrew T; Haller, Elisa; Villanueva, Jeanette; Block, Victoria; Benoy, Charles; Meyer, Andrea H; Brogli, Sandra; Kuhweide, Veronika; Karekla, Maria; Bader, Klaus; Walter, Marc; Lang, Undine 2023 Psychotherapy for Chronic In- and Outpatients with Common Mental Disorders: The "Choose Change" Effectiveness Trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics
4641916  Čolić, Jasmin; Meyer, Andrea Hans; Gloster, Andrew T.; Lieb, Roselind; Mikoteit, Thorsten; Hatzinger, Martin; Bader, Klaus; Imboden, Christian; Latysheva, Anya 2022 Predictors of embarrassment in daily social interactions in social phobia, major depression and healthy controls Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
4642872  Rinner, Marcia T.; Haller, Elisa; Gloster, Andrew T.; Meyer, Andrea H. 2022 Is giving receiving? The influence of autonomy on the association between prosocial behavior and well-being Journal of contextual behavior science
4643144  Wahl, Karina; Meyer, Andrea H.; Heinzel, Carlotta V.; Lieb, Roselind 2022 Testing the two-factor model of musical obsessions: Can they be predicted by the interaction between frequency and dysfunctional interpretations of common earworms? International Journal of Cognitive Therapy
4652370  Ooi, Yoon Phaik; Reed, Marnie; Marchal-Jones, Emma; Meyer, Andrea Hans; Gaab, Jens 2022 Sociocultural Adjustment and Well-being Among Third Culture Kids and Their Families: Protocol for a Longitudinal Study JMIR Research Protocols
4652067  Leuba, Anaëlle L; Meyer, Andrea H; Kakebeeke, Tanja H; Stülb, Kerstin; Arhab, Amar; Zysset, Annina E; Leeger-Aschmann, Claudia S; Schmutz, Einat A; Kriemler, Susi; Jenni, Oskar G; Puder, Jardena J; Munsch, Simone; Messerli-Bürgy, Nadine 2022 The relationship of parenting style and eating behavior in preschool children. BMC psychology
4642812  Lo, Sou Bouy; Huber, Christian G.; Meyer, Andrea; Weinmann, Stefan; Luethi, Regula; Dechent, Frieder; Borgwardt, Stefan; Lieb, Roselind; Lang, Undine E.; Moeller, Julian 2022 The relationship between psychological characteristics of patients and their utilization of psychiatric inpatient treatment: A cross-sectional study, using machine learning PLoS ONE
4652372  Gloster, Andrew T; Rinner, Marcia T B; Haller, Elisa; Hoyer, Jürgen; Mikoteit, Thorsten; Imboden, Christian; Hatzinger, Martin; Bader, Klaus; Miché, Marcel; Lieb, Roselind; Meyer, Andrea H 2022 Is helping you helping me? The assessment of helping others using event sampling methodology in a clinical and a non-clinical sample The British Journal of Social Psychology
4652838  Block, Victoria J; Haller, Elisa; Villanueva, Jeanette; Meyer, Andrea; Benoy, Charles; Walter, Marc; Lang, Undine E; Gloster, Andrew T 2022 Meaningful Relationships in Community and Clinical Samples: Their Importance for Mental Health. Frontiers in psychology
4655939  Massell, Johannes; Lieb, Roselind; Meyer, Andrea; Mayor, Eric 2022 Fluctuations of psychological states on Twitter before and during COVID-19 PloS One
4625752  Mayor, Eric; Meyer, Andrea; Miani, Alessandro; Lieb, Roselind 2021 An exploration of the nomological network of trypophobia PLoS ONE
4636945  Koechlin, Helen; Beeckman, Melanie; Meyer, Andrea H.; Locher, Cosima; Goubert, Liesbet; Kossowsky, Joe; Simons, Laura E. 2021 Association of parental and adolescent emotion-related factors with adolescent chronic pain behaviors Pain
4605897  Wrege, Johannes S.; Busmann, Mareike; Meyer, Andrea H.; Euler, Sebastian; Lang, Undine E.; Walter, Marc 2021 Impulsiveness in Borderline Personality Disorder Predicts the Long-term Outcome of a Psychodynamic Treatment Program Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
4615230  Busmann, Mareike; Meyer, Andrea H.; Wrege, Johannes; Lang, Undine E.; Gaab, Jens; Walter, Marc; Euler, Sebastian 2021 Vulnerable narcissism as beneficial factor for the therapeutic alliance in borderline personality disorder Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
4624547  Wyssen, Andrea; Meyer, Andrea H; Messerli-Bürgy, Nadine; Forrer, Felicitas; Vanhulst, Pierre; Lalanne, Denis; Munsch, Simone 2021 BED-online: Acceptance and efficacy of an internet-based treatment for binge-eating disorder: A randomized clinical trial including waitlist conditions. European eating disorders review : the journal of the Eating Disorders Association
4635597  Sezer, Dilan; de Leeuw, Matthijs; Netzer, Cordula; Dieterle, Markus; Meyer, Andrea; Buergler, Sarah; Locher, Cosima; Ruppen, Wilhelm; Gaab, Jens; Schneider, Tobias 2021 Open-Label Placebo Treatment for Acute Postoperative Pain (OLP-POP Study): Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial Frontiers in medicine
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 179)

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