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Projects as Principal Investigator

Showing records 1 - 14 (of 14)
Principal Investigator Title Organization Status ID
Pluschke, Gerd Helminth-coinfection  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1034070
Pluschke, Gerd Herstellung und Charakterisierung von monoklonalen Antikörpern gegen bakterielle Agenzien  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1034069
Pluschke, Gerd Malaria Antigen  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1034066
Pluschke, Gerd Wound Healing  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1034047
Pluschke, Gerd Genome-driven vaccine development for bacterial infections  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1034046
Pluschke, Gerd Buruli ulcer: Development and evaluation of innovative tools  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1034045
Pluschke, Gerd ACBRIDGE - PhD Program with the University of Ghana  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1034024
Pluschke, Gerd Buruli Vac - Identification and development of vaccine candidates for Buruli Ulcer Disease  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1033982
Pluschke, Gerd Thermotherapy of Buruli ulcer (extension)  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1033961
Pluschke, Gerd Meningitis surveillance (extension)  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1033960
Pluschke, Gerd DNA methylation and virulence of Neisseria meningitidis  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1033923
Pluschke, Gerd Buruli ulcer – neglected disease  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1033912
Pluschke, Gerd STOP Buruli consortium  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1033911
Pluschke, Gerd European Malaria Vaccine Development Association  Molecular Immunology (Pluschke) Completed 1033910
Showing records 1 - 14 (of 14)

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