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Showing records 1 - 18 (of 18)
Type Date Title Description ID
Memberships 2010-04-01 Opwis, Klaus  Berufungskommission für die Professur für "Methodenlehre und Evaluation" der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Zürich 86145
Memberships 2010-12-01 Opwis, Klaus  Beirat für den Eignungstest für das Medizinstudium (EMS) 84971
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-05-10 Decreased fractional anisotropy in the middle cerebellar peduncle in children with epilepsy and/or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a preliminary study.   2nd International Congress on ADHD 161439
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-05-19 Rätsel des Geistes: Das menschliche Gedächtnis  Seniorenforum Werdenberg 89258
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-06-29 REM-sleep increases transfer of executive knowledge after metacognitive learning.  9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry. 161449
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-10-10 Deficient functional networks of working memory in children with epilepsy and/or ADHD.  19th World Congress of Neurology (WCN) 161443
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-10-10 Novel linear and nonlinear measures of heart rate variability in remitting patients with severe brain injury: A preliminary report.  19th World Congress of Neurology (WCN) 161457
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-11-09 Das menschliche Gedächtnis: Eine kognitionspsychologische Einführung  SeniorenUni Volkshochschule beider Basel 69383
Awards, honours and prizes 2015-10-07 CHI PLAY 2015 Best Paper (Top 1%)  4487476
Awards, honours and prizes 2016-05-07 CHI 2016 Best Paper (Top 1%)  3706400
Awards, honours and prizes 2016-05-07 CHI 2016 Honorable Mention (Top 5%)  3706401
Awards, honours and prizes 2016-09-15 Springer Psychologie BestMasters 2016 Award   3706404
Awards, honours and prizes 2016-09-15 Springer Psychologie BestMasters 2016 Award   3706406
Awards, honours and prizes 2017-05-09 CHI 2017 Honorable Mention (Top 5%)  4487475
Awards, honours and prizes 2019-03-15 CHI 2019 Best Paper Award (top 1%)  4524054
Awards, honours and prizes 2019-03-15 CHI 2019 Honorable Mention Award (top 5%)  4524056
Awards, honours and prizes 2019-10-22 CHI Play 2019 Honorable Mention Award (top 5%)  4524055
Awards, honours and prizes 2021-10-18 CHI PLAY 2021 Honorable Mention (Top 5%)  4655590
Showing records 1 - 18 (of 18)

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