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Showing records 1 - 17 (of 17)
Type Date Title Description ID
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2012-11-15 Clariant Chemistry Day  1555550
Memberships 2000-01-01 Constable, Edwin Charles  Polyhedron 162828
Memberships 2006-01-01 Constable, Edwin Charles  Supramolecular Chemistry 162858
Memberships 2009-01-01 Constable, Edwin Charles  Australian Journal of Chemistry 162826
Memberships 2009-01-01 Constable, Edwin Charles  Molecular Diversity 162859
Memberships 2009-01-01 Constable, Edwin Charles  Molecules 162857
Memberships 2009-01-01 Constable, Edwin Charles  Supramolecular Chemistry (Enyclopedia) 162860
Memberships 2009-01-01 Constable, Edwin Charles  Supramolecular Chemistry (Enyclopedia) 162861
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-06-12 Towards sustainable photovoltaic cells  SwissNano2009 162822
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-06-25 Topological complexity and large ring macrocycles  The fourth Joint International Symposium on Macrocyclic & Supramolecular Chemistry 162812
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-07-21 LiLo ‐ towards the super leaf  Energy Symposium ‐ Inorganic Energy 162815
Invited presentations at conferences 2009-12-16 Vom Sonnenlicht bis zu den Elektronen... und zurück  SeniorenUni 162823
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-01-09 Light emitting electrochemical cells - an alternative to OLED technology?  International Conference on Molecular Electronics 162816
Invited presentations at conferences 2022-11-16 Surely it doesn’t apply to me? Equating integrity with best practice  Kaderanlass Forschung 4655914
Invited presentations at conferences 2022-12-10 From chemistry to data-base mining and back again  The 4th International Symposium of Ionic Coordination Compounds 4655913
Awards, honours and prizes 2010-12-01 ERC Advanced Investigator Grant  40944
Awards, honours and prizes 2022-04-01 Elected Fellow of Royal Society of Edinburgh  4655911
Showing records 1 - 17 (of 17)

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