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Showing records 1 - 20 (of 84)
Type Date Title Description ID
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2010-08-30 Seeing at the Nanoscale  532863
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2011-09-18 14th International Conference on non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy  984719
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2014-06-18 5th European Nanomanipulation Workshop  2832347
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2022-05-30 Dissipation Mechanisms in Nano/Mesoscale Tribological Systems, ICTP Trieste  4656893
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2018-07-01 Nanomechanics and Nanotribology  4493668
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2018-07-15 Bridging the gap between Nano- and Macrotribology  4493671
Memberships 1987-01-01 Meyer, Ernst  Swiss Physical Society 443619
Memberships 1990-01-07 Meyer, Ernst  American Physical Society 443595
Memberships 2009-05-01 Meyer, Ernst  FANAS Steering Committee 443621
Memberships 2012-01-01 Meyer, Ernst  SNF Ambizione board 1543065
Memberships 2013-05-28 Meyer, Ernst  COST Action MP1303, Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction 3705149
Memberships 2019-01-01 Meyer, Ernst  Swiss Academy of Natural Sciences (SCNAT) 4611416
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-03-23 Atomic friction under ultrahigh vacuum  German Physical Society 443547
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-05-04 Atomic friction and contact resonances  CECAM Nanotribology 443542
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-05-11 Mechanisms of Atomic Friction  Science in Tribology 443588
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-06-15 Atomic Friction  Science Seminar 443575
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-08-30 Atomic Friction  Seeing at the Nanoscale 443538
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-09-01 Atomic Friction  European Confernce of Surface Science 443535
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-11-01 Scanning Probe Microscopy  Science Seminar 443570
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-05-02 Dissipation on Superconductors and Quantum Dots  STICK-SLIP DYNAMICS, FROM NANO TO GEOPHYSICAL SCALES 984737
Showing records 1 - 20 (of 84)

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