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Showing records 41 - 47 (of 47)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4643646  Falomir-Pichastor, Juan M.; Mugny, Gabriel; Frederic, Natasha; Berent, Jacques; Lalot, Fanny 2018 Motivation to maintain a nonprejudiced identity: The moderating role of normative context and justification for prejudice on moral licensing Social Psychology
4643622  Lalot, Fanny; Quiamzade, Alain; Falomir-Pichastor, Juan Manuel 2018 Is regulatory focus related to minimal and maximal standards? Depends how you ask! European Journal of Social Psychology
4643619  Lalot, Fanny; Falomir-Pichastor, Juan M.; Quiamzade, Alain 2018 Compensation and consistency effects in proenvironmental behaviour: The moderating role of majority and minority support for proenvironmental values Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
4643657  Lalot, Fanny; Zerhouni, Oulmann; Pinelli, Mathieu 2017 "I Wanna Be the Very Best!" Agreeableness and Perseverance Predict Sustained Playing to Pokémon Go: A Longitudinal Study Games for Health Journal
4643616  Lalot, Fanny; Delplanque, Sylvain; Sander, David 2014 Mindful regulation of positive emotions: a comparison with reappraisal and expressive suppression Frontiers in Psychology

Publication: Other Publications (Forschungsberichte o. ä.)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
4645333  Lalot, Fanny; Quiamzade, Alain 2022 Obéissance et conformité: Les leçons de la pandémie Le Virus de la Recherche
4645332  Lalot, Fanny; Quiamzade, Alain; Abrams, Dominic 2020 La confiance politique en temps de crise Le Virus de la Recherche
Showing records 41 - 47 (of 47)

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