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Showing records 21 - 40 (of 65)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
1561691  Frey, Corinne Myrtha; Parlow, Eberhard 2012 Flux Measurements in Cairo. Part 2: On the Determination of the Spatial Radiation and Energy Balance Using ASTER Satellite Data Remote sensing
983437  Parlow, Eberhard 2011 Meteorologisch-klimatologische Forschung an der Universität Basel : eine Einführung Regio Basiliensis
469520  Frey, Corinne M.; Parlow, Eberhard; Vogt, Roland; Harhash, Maha; Wahab, Mohammad M. Abdel 2011 Flux measurements in Cairo. Part 1: In situ measurements and their applicability for comparison with satellite data International Journal of Climatology
983439  Parlow, Eberhard; Kleiber, Thomas; Vogt, Roland 2011 Verbesserung des Stadtklimas durch Dachbegrünung? Regio Basiliensis
983442  Vogt, Roland; Parlow, Eberhard 2011 Die städtische Wärmeinsel von Basel - tages- und jahreszeitliche Charakterisierung Regio Basiliensis
474607  Babst, Flurin; Frank, David; Parlow, Eberhard; Esper, Jan 2010 Age and susceptibility of Fennoscandian mountain birch (Betula pubescens) towards insect outbreaks TRACE - Tree rings in archeology, climatology and ecology
469519  Frey, CM; Parlow, E 2010 Determination of the aerodynamic resistance to heat using morphometric methods EARSeL eProceedings
157872  Parlow, Eberhard 2010 Landsat TM/ETM+ and tree-ring based assessment of spatiotemporal patterns of the autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnata) in northernmost Fennoscandia Remote sensing of environment
108421  Frey, C. M.; Parlow, E. 2009 Geometry effect on the estimation of band reflectance in an urban area Theoretical and applied climatology
108429  Hernandez Rodriguez, Daniel; Parlow, Eberhard 2009 Die Änderung der winterlichen Niederschläge von Basel : Untersuchungen der Basler Klimareihe 1901-2007 Regio Basiliensis
49150  Beck-Wörner, Christian; Raso, Giovanna; Vounatsou, Penelope; N'Goran, Eliézer K; Rigo, Gergely; Parlow, Eberhard; Utzinger, Jürg 2007 Bayesian spatial risk prediction of Schistosoma mansoni infection in western Cote d'Ivoire using a remotely-sensed digital elevation model American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene
152748  Frey, C. M.; Rigo, G.; Parlow, E. 2007 Urban Radiation balance of two coastal cities in a hot and dry environment International journal of remote sensing
50141  Rigo, Gergely; Parlow, Eberhard; Oesch, David 2006 Validation of satellite observed thermal emission with in-situ measurements over an urban surface Remote Sensing Of Environment
2739179  Rotach, MW; Vogt, R; Bernhofer, C; Batchvarova, E; Christen, A; Clappier, A; Feddersen, B; Gryning, SE; Martucci, G; Mayer, H; Mitev, V; Oke, TR; Parlow, E; Richner, H; Roth, M; Roulet, YA; Ruffieux, D; Salmond, JA; Schatzmann, M; Voogt, JA 2005 BUBBLE – an Urban Boundary Layer Meteorology Project Theoretical and applied climatology
698900  Schneider-Sliwa, Rita; Leser, Hartmut; Nagel, Peter; Parlow, Eberhard; Alewell, Christine 2003 Geography in Basel - The integrative approach Geographica Helvetica
157853  van Gorsel, E.; Christen, A.; Feigenwinter, C.; Parlow, E.; Vogt, R. 2003 Daytime turbulence stastistics above a steep forested slope Boundary-layer meteorology
157736  Feigenwinter, C.; Vogt, R.; Parlow, E. 1999 Vertical Structure of Selected Turbulence Characteristics above an Urban Canopy Theoretical and applied climatology

Publication: ConferencePaper (Artikel, die in Tagungsbänden erschienen sind)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3931527  Chrysoulakis, N.; Marconcini, M.; Gastellu-Etchegorry, J. -P.; Grimmond, C. S. B.; Feigenwinter, C.; Lindberg, F.; Del Frate, F.; Klostermann, J.; Mitraka, Z.; Esch, T.; Landier, L.; Gabey, A.; Parlow, E.; Olofson, F. 2017 Anthropogenic Heat Flux Estimation from Space: Results of the second phase of the URBANFLUXES Project 2017 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE 2017): Proceedings of a meeting held 6-8 March 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3931555  Mitraka, Z.; Feigenwinter, C.; Chrysoulakis, N.; Parlow, E.; Grimmond, C. S. B.; Lindberg, F.; Wicki, A.; Marconcini, M. 2017 Towards discriminating between zones with different thermal behaviour in cities 2017 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE 2017): Proceedings of a meeting held 6-8 March 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
3931523  Feigenwinter, C.; Parlow, E.; Vogt, R.; Schmutz, M.; Chrysoulakis, N.; Lindberg, F.; Marconcini, M.; del Frate, F. 2017 Spatial Distribution of Sensible and Latent Heat Flux in the URBANFLUXES case study city Basel (Switzerland) 2017 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE 2017): Proceedings of a meeting held 6-8 March 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Showing records 21 - 40 (of 65)

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