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Showing records 21 - 40 (of 60)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
3724709  Faude, Oliver; Zahner, Lukas; Donath, Lars 2015 Exercise guidelines for health-oriented recreational sports Therapeutische Umschau
3724710  Donath, Lars; Faude, Oliver; Schefer, Yannick; Roth, Ralf; Zahner, Lukas 2015 Repetitive daily point of choice prompts and occupational sit-stand transfers, concentration and neuromuscular performance in office workers: an RCT International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
3724712  Donath, L.; Roth, R.; Lichtenstein, E.; Elliot, C.; Zahner, L.; Faude, O. 2015 Jeopardizing Christmas: Why spoiled kids and a tight schedule could make Santa Claus fall? Gait & Posture
3724708  Donath, Lars; Faude, Oliver; Bopp, Micha; Zahner, Lukas 2015 Health-related strength and power training in seniors: Purpose and recommendations Therapeutische Umschau
4399340  Nussbaumer, M.; Donath, L.; Fischer, M.; Schäfer, J.; Faude, O.; Zahner, L.; Schmidt-Trucksäss, A.; Hanssen, Henner 2014 Effects of acute bouts of endurance exercise on retinal vessel diameters are age and intensity dependent AGE
2803660  Meyer, Ursina; Schindler, Christian; Bloesch, Tamara; Schmocker, Eliane; Zahner, Lukas; Puder, Jardena J.; Kriemler, Susi 2014 Combined impact of negative lifestyle factors on cardiovascular risk in children : a randomized prospective study Journal of adolescent health
2440130  Meyer, Ursina; Schindler, Christian; Zahner, Lukas; Ernst, Dominique; Hebestreit, Helge; van Mechelen, Willem; Rocca, Hans-Peter Brunner-La; Probst-Hensch, Nicole; Puder, Jardena J.; Kriemler, Susi 2014 Long-term effect of a school-based physical activity program (KISS) on fitness and adiposity in children : a cluster-randomized controlled trial PLoS ONE
3724682  Donath, L.; Faude, O.; Roth, R.; Zahner, L. 2014 Effects of stair-climbing on balance, gait, strength, resting heart rate, and submaximal endurance in healthy seniors Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
3724681  Donath, Lars; Roth, Ralf; Hohn, Yannick; Zahner, Lukas; Faude, Oliver 2014 The effects of Zumba training on cardiovascular and neuromuscular function in female college students European Journal of Sport Science
3724683  Donath, Lars; Faude, Oliver; Bridenbaugh, Stephanie A.; Roth, Ralf; Soltermann, Martin; Kressig, Reto W.; Zahner, Lukas 2014 Transfer effects of fall training on balance performance and spatiotemporal gait parameters in healthy community-dwelling older adults: a pilot study Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
2017582  Meyer, Ursina; Ernst, Dominique; Zahner, Lukas; Schindler, Christian; Puder, Jardena J.; Kraenzlin, Marius; Rizzoli, René; Kriemler, Susi 2013 3-year follow-up results of bone mineral content and density after a school-based physical activity randomized intervention trial Bone
2184931  Meyer, U.; Roth, R.; Zahner, L.; Gerber, M.; Puder, J. J.; Hebestreit, H.; Kriemler, S. 2013 Contribution of physical education to overall physical activity Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
3724687  Donath, Lars; Zahner, Lukas; Roth, Ralf; Fricker, Livia; Cordes, Mareike; Hanssen, Henner; Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno; Faude, Oliver 2013 Balance and gait performance after maximal and submaximal endurance exercise in seniors: is there a higher fall-risk? European Journal of Applied Physiology
3724688  Donath, Lars; Zahner, Lukas; Cordes, Mareike; Hanssen, Henner; Schmidt-Trucksäss, Aarno; Faude, Oliver 2013 Recommendations for aerobic endurance training based on subjective ratings of perceived exertion in healthy seniors Journal of Aging and Physical Activity
3724685  Donath, L.; Roth, R.; Rueegge, A.; Groppa, M.; Zahner, L.; Faude, O. 2013 Effects of slackline training on balance, jump performance & muscle activity in young children International Journal of Sports Medicine
3724684  Faude, Oliver; Roth, Ralf; Di Giovine, Dario; Zahner, Lukas; Donath, Lars 2013 Combined strength and power training in high-level amateur football during the competitive season: a randomised-controlled trial Journal of Sports Sciences
3724689  Donath, Lars; Roth, Ralf; Zahner, Lukas; Faude, Oliver 2012 Testing single and double limb standing balance performance: comparison of COP path length evaluation between two devices Gait & Posture
3724692  Niederer, Iris; Kriemler, Susi; Zahner, Lukas; Bürgi, Flavia; Ebenegger, Vincent; Marques, Pedro; Puder, Jardena J. 2012 BMI group-related differences in physical fitness and physical activity in preschool-age children: a cross-sectional analysis Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
1634752  Ebenegger, V.; Marques-Vidal, P.; Kriemler, S.; Nydegger, A.; Zahner, L.; Niederer, I.; Bürgi, F.; Puder, J. J. 2012 Differences in aerobic fitness and lifestyle characteristics in preschoolers according to their weight status and sports club participation Obesity Facts
3724690  Faude, Oliver; Donath, Lars; Roth, Ralf; Fricker, Livia; Zahner, Lukas 2012 Reliability of gait parameters during treadmill walking in community-dwelling healthy seniors Gait & Posture
Showing records 21 - 40 (of 60)

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