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Showing records 121 - 137 (of 137)
Type Date Title Description ID
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-06-03 Mechanisms of Synapse Specification - from RNA Splicing to Autism  Seminar at Institut de Biologie de l’École Normale Supérieure 4523549
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-06-11 Alternative Splice Codes for Neuronal Identity and Synapse Specification  2019 Excitatory Synapses and Brain Function, GRC Conference 4523547
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-09-19 Cell biological mechanisms of synapse and circuit dysfunction in rodent models of autism-spectrum disorders  IBRO satellite meeting for ‘Synaptic Function and Neural Circuitry 4523550
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-12-02 Program for synapse specification: From cell biology to autism  Seminar at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 4523551
Invited presentations at conferences 2019-12-06 Alternative splicing Codes Dir Synapse specification“  Symposium Encephalon 4523552
Invited presentations at conferences 2020-01-17 Synapse Specification: From Alternative RNA Splicing to Autism  Seminar at Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa 4606710
Invited presentations at conferences 2020-02-18 Gehirnentwicklung – Social Network bei Nervenzellen  Einblicke Biozentrum 4606945
Invited presentations at conferences 2020-05-14 Synapse Specification - from RNA Splicing to Autism  Seminar at University of Massachusetts 4606937
Invited presentations at conferences 2020-06-24 An Autism associated Mutation in Neuroligin 3 regulates Oxytocin Signaling and Behaviour  FENS Forum 2020 4606935
Invited presentations at conferences 2020-11-17 Synapse Specification - from RNA Splicing to Autism  Worldwide Neuro Vienna 4606939
Invited presentations at conferences 2021-10-20 RNA Splicecodes for Synapse Specification and Plasticity  The Brain Conferences - RNA Mechanisms and Brain Disease 4076510
Invited presentations at conferences 2022-07-25 RNA Splice Codes for the Development of Neuronal Connectivity  Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Gordon Research Conference 4651085
Invited presentations at conferences 2022-09-01 RNA Splice Codes for Neuronal Wiring  Neureka Seminar Series, King's College London 4651087
Invited presentations at conferences 2022-10-31 Synaptic and circuit alterations associated with genetics autism risk factors  EMBO Workshop Molecular and physiological basis of behavioural/cognitive defects in Neurodevelopmental disorders 4651088
Invited presentations at conferences 2022-12-02 Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Circuit Development and Plasticity  Bordeaux Neurocampus, monthly conference, PhD Seminar 4652407
Awards, honours and prizes 2012-04-24 Francis O. Schmitt Lecture, MIT  1532129
Awards, honours and prizes 2014-11-20 Robert Bing Prize 2014  2779765
Showing records 121 - 137 (of 137)

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