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Showing records 21 - 40 (of 120)
Type Date Title Description ID
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2017-11-27 2017: Moscheebau und Moscheebauten in der Schweiz  4138599
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2017-12-07 2017: "Urban Transformations and Cultural Practices Letters to the Governor; death, mobility, and claims of the city", workshop with Dr. Amal Abdrabo (Alexandria, Egypt)  4138604
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-02-15 Marc David Baer (London School of Economics): Guided by Goethe German-Jewish, Gay, Muslim Writer Hugo Marcus (1880-1966)  4493164
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-04-03 Ramazan Hakki Öztan (University of Neuchâtel). Macedonian Question and the Global Economy of Revolt at the Turn of the Century  4493170
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-09-28 Digital Media, Islam, and Politics in the Middle East  4493163
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-11-08 Thomas Bauer (University of Münster). Literarische Kommunikation in der Mamlukenzeit (1250-1517)  4493167
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-12-03 James Gelvin (University of California at Los Angeles): The New Middle East  4493168
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-12-05 Katerina Vasileska (Ohrid): Macedonian Transition. Communism – Democracy – Kakistocracy: From the Activist’s Perspective  4493173
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2018-12-11 Dr. Lilo Roost Vischer (Basel): Misstrauen abbauen – Zusammenleben verbessern: MuslimInnen in der Schweiz  4493171
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2019-09-27 100 Jahre Nahoststudien  4523886
Services: Organisation of scientific meetings 2019-10-18 Values and Status Negotiation: Media in the Middle East and North Africa  4523883
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2013-01-02 Egypt around 1900  2306137
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2013-07-04 Conceptual History and Historical Semantics in Middle Eastern Contexts  2306138
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2013-07-11 Political Islam in Turkey in the 1970s  2306136
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2014-02-19 French-Swiss Research Workshop The Inter-War Period in Turkey and the Balkans  2816947
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2015-09-02 Gazi Ahmed Muhtar Pasha in Egypt  3367424
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2018-01-14 Republic of Turkey: A History  4493160
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2018-07-02 Republic of Turkey: A History  4493161
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2019-03-18 A History of the Turkish Republic  4523882
Mobility: Visiting scientist at ... 2021-08-02 Peripheries in the Ottoman Empire  4637136
Showing records 21 - 40 (of 120)

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