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Showing records 21 - 40 (of 83)
Type Date Title Description ID
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-01-07 Quantitative laws in the evolution of gene-content and regulatory network structure in prokaryotes  Aspen Winter Conference: Populations, Evolution, and Physics (2010) 470107
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-05-06 Motif Activity Response Analysis: Inferring genome-wide transcription regulation in mammals  The Evry Spring School on "Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics" 2010 470108
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-06-03 Quantitative laws of bacterial evolution  OIST Summer School and Workshop: Quantitative Evolutionary and Comparative Genomics 2010 470115
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-06-24 Motif Activity Response Analysis: Inferring genome-wide transcription regulation in mammals  8th [BC]2 Basel Computational Biology Conference "Regulation and Control in Biological Systems" 2010 469611
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-10-15 Inferring mammalian transcription regulatory networks  Yale systems biology institute symposium 2010 470116
Invited presentations at conferences 2010-12-21 Motif Activity Response Analysis: Inferring Genome-wide Transcription Regulation in Mammals  BIBM 2010 - IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine 470119
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-01-25 Macroscopic and phenomenological laws in genome evolution  KITP Program: Microbial and Viral Evolution 978280
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-03-18 Macroscopic laws in bacterial genome evolution  Statistical Physics and Biological Evolution 2011 978274
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-07-21 The Evolution of Gene Expression Noise and Transcriptional Control in E. coli  Stochastic Systems Biology (2011) 983244
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-08-16 Automatically Retracing Transcription Regulatory Activities Regulating Expression and Epigenome Dynamics  KITP Miniprogram: Dynamics of Development 978279
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-09-02 Modeling of chromatin dynamics during differentitation reveals REST as a mediator of Polycomb targeting in neuronal progenitors   Bertinoro Computational Biology 2011 978327
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-10-25 De novo Generation of Hundreds of Thousands of Promoters  SystemsX Conference on Systems Biology, 983245
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-11-30 Linear modeling identifies key TFs that drive dynamics of gene expression and chromatin modifications ab initio   Functional Genomics & Systems Biology 2011 978325
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-12-01 Retracing the regulatory factors that control expression and chromatin dynamics  Frontiers in Systems Biology 2011 978273
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-12-06 Phenotypic Evolution in E. coli  Selection in Population Genetics 983246
Invited presentations at conferences 2011-12-07 Who needs fitness?  Selection in Population Genetics 2011 978285
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-06-13 Reconstructing transcription regulatory networks in mammals using a combination of modeling and next-generation sequencing data  SocBin 2012 - 12th annual conference in bioinformatics 1534688
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-09-04 How cells control their identity: Information theoretical concepts in gene regulatory networks  Information Theory Workshop 2012 (IEEE ITW 2012) 1534692
Invited presentations at conferences 2012-09-21 A democracy of transcription factors: Inferring transcription regulatory interactions from high-throughput data  GCB 2012 – German Conference on Bioinformatics 2012 1534698
Invited presentations at conferences 2013-01-05 1. Bayesian network model for predicting protein contacts 2.Using generalized linear models for modeling expression and chromatin state data in terms of predicted binding sites   Bayes by the bay - a pedagogical workshop on Bayesian methods in science, 4–8 Jan 2013 2316296
Showing records 21 - 40 (of 83)

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