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Showing records 401 - 409 (of 409)

Publication: JournalArticle (Originalarbeit in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
1516964  Mondada, Lorenza 1999 Alternances de langues et linguistique des pratiques interactionnelles Cahiers du Français Contemporain
1517142  Deppermann, Arnulf; Schmitt, Reinhold; Mondada, Lorenza 2010 Agenda and emergence : Contingent and planned activities in a meeting Journal of Pragmatics
4657003  Mondada, Lorenza 2022 Adjusting step-by-step trajectories in public space: the micro-sequentiality of approaching and refusing to be approached Gesprächsforschung
3787626  Mondada, Lorenza; Svensson, Hanna; van Schepen, Nynke 2017 A table-based turn-taking system and its political consequences: Managing participation, building opinion groups, and fostering consensus Journal of Language and Politics
1516939  Mondada, Lorenza 1997 A entrevista como acontecimento interactional : abordagem lingüistica e conversacional Rua : revista do Núcleo de Desenvolvimento da Criatividade da UNICAMP, NUDECRI
1517076  Mondada, L.; Traverso, V. 2005 (dés)alignements en clôture : une étude interactionnelle de corpus de français parlé en interaction Lidil
3750853  Mondada, Lorenza 2015 ‘Why that not now’: participants’ orientations towards several organizational layers in social interaction Bulletin suisse de linguistique appliquée

Publication: ConferencePaper (Artikel, die in Tagungsbänden erschienen sind)

ID Author Year Title Publisher
2477128  Mondada, Lorenza 2013 Interactional space and the study of embodied talk-ininteraction Space in language and linguistics : geographical, interactional, and cognitive perspectives
2477154  Mondada, Lorenza 2013 Commentary: Being mobile, talking on the move : conceptual, analytical and methodological challenges of mobility Space in language and linguistics : geographical, interactional, and cognitive perspectives
Showing records 401 - 409 (of 409)

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